RxBLU™ Release Notes
Version 2.1.9 Enhancements
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Version 2.1.8 Enhancements
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Version 2.1.6 Enhancements
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Version 2.1.5 Enhancements
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Version 2.1.36 Enhancements
New Login Screen - A new login screen has been added as you may now know. Cypress will be using the login screen to provide beneficial resources such as what new in the Cypress program, referral programs, support connect resources, relevant new in the pharmacy industry. When able, please be sure to check out all the great features now available.
Multi-Ingredient Compounding - The Multi-ingredient Compounding feature has been completed within BLU. You can now create a multi-ingredient compound using the “COMPOUND” utility button. Special fields are often required when adjudicating multi-ingredient compounds to third party payors. Please consult with Cypress for additional details and training.
Based on pharmacy configuration and the state the pharmacy is practicing in, prescriptions can be filled without the supervising prescriber if written by either a nurse practitioner or a physician assistant. By default, the supervising prescriber is always required. To allow either the NP or PA, contact your Cypress Representative.
PMP Reporting - The electronic prescription message ID is now being submitted with all applicable controlled substances that were originated electronically.
Colorado Medicaid - When submitting prescriptions to Colorado Medicaid, the required group of “COMEDICAID” is automatically submitted if left blank in the patient plan.
Inaccurate “Refill Too Soon” messages - The BLU application will report to the user that the prescription may be too soon to refill when a prescription was entered to refill. Prior version did not take into account the last prescription being voided. As a result, some “Refill Too Soon” messages were invalid. This has been resolved.
Optional Singing line - Based on optional pharmacy configuration, the line being displayed on the signing tablet can be eliminated. Please contact Cypress if you wish to have this feature.
Signing Validation - When using BLU in Signing Mode, now by option, a validation of the patient numeric portion of the street address or date of birth year can be required prior to the signing of the prescription. By default, this feature is disabled. Please call to have this feature turned on.
Enhanced Workers Compensation - Applicable additional fields now will be prompted when adjudicating claims for workers compensation.
Disabled Product Bar Code Reading - In certain areas of the program, if the program asking a question and the product bar code was read, the program could stop working. The bar code functionality in those cases has been disallowed.
New Reports - A new Patient Usage report and listing of prescriptions paid below cost have been added.